Wednesday, November 9, 2022

What's Most Important?

     In a recent poll, 60 percent of voters said they strongly disagree with Democrats' (Biden) policy of leaving our Southern border open to immigrants and whatever else comes across daily. 

     No other country in the world has such a policy. Is opening the door to most anyone a big step toward destroying our sovereign nation? Certainly, our democracy, which liberals wish to replace with socialism. 

     There are other one-issue causes: abortion, economy, crime, etc. But, what good is it to win that fight and lose the entire constitution? 

     Tuesday, there were slam dunks on both sides, and nail-bitters as well. But, at least 10 percent did not think losing our country and its freedoms is more important than voting for Democratic senate candidates. Even a man who is not only mentally compromised but in favor of numerous ideas that are clearly foreign to our culture (or so we thought) won a senate seat.  

     People have differences. We get it. But how several million voters concerned about our survival could ignore the clear path to correction is a result of focus, and gobs of money spent on fooling us. If the House tilts red, we may delay calamity for a while longer.  



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