Sunday, November 13, 2022

Insipid Goals for Kids  

     So, American parents are raising the future generation of leaders and doers, movers and shakers. Or not.

     A poll by the Barna Group would make our founders weep. 

     "Discipline" and "toughness" were not dominant among respondents describing what is important to effective child rearing. 

* Patience - 36 percent

* Demonstration of love - 32 percent

* Discipline and understanding - 22 percent

* Faith commitment - 20 percent

* Communication skills - 17 percent

* Compassion - 14 percent

* Listening skills - 12 percent

* Being intelligent - 11 percent

* Being a praying person - 4 percent

      These results from a survey of Christian families were indistinguishable from a survey of parents not "born again."

     Joel Belz of WORLD magazine wonders if these parents are as easily satisfied with their surgeons, car mechanics, stockbrokers and others who matter in the course of life.


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