Tuesday, November 1, 2022

 Issues of Unique Importance

 This is an old column (modified for space) by Joel Belz, 

Jewish upbringing, believer in Christ,

retired from WORLD magazine, that doesn't get old. 

     It's become a frequent reminder to us evangelical Christians not to let our cultural identity be framed by single issues. Why are backers of the "Evangelical Manifesto" so ready to join the cultural left - suggesting guilt for evangelicals preoccupied with the evils of abortion and same-sex marriage? 

     And if younger evangelicals are embarrassed by their elders and think it's time to get equally exercised over issues like racism, economic justice and the environment - maybe we need to do a better job of explaining to them why we've put the emphasis where we have. 

     Evangelicals shouldn't be embarrassed to say clearly: Abortion and same-sex marriage are uniquely heinous sins. They rattle the foundation of a civilized society. 

     I'm not referring so much to the young women caught in the anguish of an unexpected pregnancy or folks bewildered by their sexual identity. I'm talking mostly about a society that goes all out to tell such people that they're doing just fine. There's forgiveness for individual sinners. There's judgment for societies that lead them astray.

     It's true that we haven't been as zealous as we ought in fighting racism, abuse of the environment, and poverty. But on those fronts, we're at least facing the right direction. 

     Here's the difference: What evangelical do you know who says insensitivity to the poor should be promoted? What leader is calling for more racism? Who advocates the plundering of the environment? That is exactly the kind of cheer-leading that is going on for abortion and same-sex marriage.  

Conclusion to come

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