Thursday, October 20, 2022

Tychicus Opens the Letter  

     "Good morning again, brothers. On behalf of Paul, who loves you with the love of Christ. He is eager to know of your growth. You have shown me your faithfulness to the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. 

     "We Ephesians were all dead in our transgressions, following the ways of the world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air. But God, rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ. We don't deserve salvation. By grace, through faith, we receive this gift of God. 

     "I speak as if Paul himself was before you. With this gift of God, Jesus expects us to obey what he commands. We don't simply 'know' the truth; we obey. And if we obey, he gives us the Spirit of truth. Whoever has my commands - and obeys them - Jesus said, he is the one who loves me. 

     "Remember that we in Ephesus - I was one of you - were excluded and without hope, until Christ took your sins and mine on himself, died and rose again to new life. He is our peace. He destroyed the dividing wall - Jew and Gentile - reconciling 'all' men to God through the cross. 

     "Gentiles are heirs with believers in Israel, one body, sharing in the promise. In Christ and through faith, we approach God with confidence. Paul prays you will grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. It surpasses knowledge. We don't find love on tablets of stone. Most of you don't read. I will read Paul's letter to you. 

     "Our city - Empire famous. But no creation of man will endure. God is eternal, and he cares for you. 

     "Friends, the sun is up. Your work awaits. Let us gather again tomorrow morning and I will read his letter." 



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