Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Supper Table 

     Tychicus places his bag and a satchel with shoulder strap in the guest room. He and his host reminisce over supper. 

Remember when you two came, and there were just 12 of us?

Yes, and Paul baptized you in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Miracles that followed put fear into both Jews and Gentiles. 

Remember when Demetrius started a riot against Paul?

And the amphitheater crowd went wild.

I contend Paul would have been slain had we not held him back.

Tychicus, is Paul living? He said we would never see him again.

Paul was arrested in Jerusalem. They would have killed him.

What did he do?

He appealed to Caesar. He is in Rome, "a prisoner of the Lord." 

     My friend, I'll tell you about his shipwreck and other hardships. But Paul would say, "We may be seated in heavenly places, but our faith may lead to trouble, prison, harm...even death. God gives us power to witness and power to endure." 

     I was in Rome attending to Paul's needs when he gave me his letter for you. Let's call the brothers together early tomorrow before they go to work. I have his letter in my satchel. 


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