Wednesday, October 19, 2022

First Morning 

     Tychicus (pronounced Tik uh kuhs) comes before saints of the Ephesian church. Morning sun about to rise, he wants to know how well these men have lived out their teaching. Paul wants them to continue growing.

     He will give them Paul's letter, when he is certain of their faith. Little time remains before they must begin their workday. 

     It is A.D. 62. Ephesians generally know about Jews and their traditions. Word has it there is unrest in the Empire's region of Judah. 

     Meanwhile, these Christians. They have no scrolls. No army. No wealth. No city of their own. No goddess.  

     Ephesians, for all their architecture, are like most people ... prone to self-interest, immorality, worship of idols and other deeds of darkness. Who knows what happens in the Temple of Artemis? 

     Christians are a strange minority, eyed with suspicion. Unwelcome.

     While Paul in his Roman prison continues to write, Tychicus greets the "flock," most of whom he knows from before. 

     He informs them about Paul's circumstance, and summarizes journeys being taken by co-workers Mark, Silas, Barnabas, Luke and Timothy. 

     Questions and answers rapidly go back and forth. Tychicus will open the letter tomorrow morning. 


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