Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Will America Survive? 

     Did you watch the Mark Levin program Sunday night on Fox?

     He had 8-1/2 X 11-inch papers each with a picture of something important in the history of our nation. Some were founders, like Washington and Jefferson (whose estate apparently has been damaged by hoodlums). Others were leaders like Lincoln, and people who created prosperity and other advances. 

     One at a time, he showed each paper to the camera, then ripped it up.

     There were various documents such as our Declaration of Independance and Constitution etc. There was the flag, a dollar bill, and the Supreme Court. Rip! 

     On he went showing every single person or specialty that America was known for...and for our independence, freedom, and justice. Rip!

     Of course, the USA has never been perfect. It's people - like you and I - have feet of clay. Some of us are contributors in one way or another. Others of us are destroyers in one way or another.

     Levin was clear: the Democratic Party today wants nothing to do with American prosperity, power, influence, safety, freedom of thought and speech. They run for office like middle of the road people. But their hearts and their goals are anything but. 

     They are offspring of President Harding, and President Obama, whose offspring is President Biden. The 2024 election will be critical, but if the Dems aren't swept out of Congress next week, it may be too late. 

     The people who gave the murderous rulers of Iran hundreds of millions of dollars to "repay" them for our opposition to Iran's agenda, have tried to do it again. It wasn't about preventing nukes. And here at home, they're destroying schools, and spending more money than the laws of economics can tolerate. China good. America bad.   

     We have one week to go. If we're going to lose our liberty, we will read about it in our leftist papers or hear it on our leftist TV channels. 

     Meanwhile, the devil is watching the polls like you and me.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

What a country! 

Our President with a failing mind 

goes to Pennsylvania to campaign for a 

Senate candidate with a failing mind. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Here are topics of the day:

media   the church    movies & TV    supreme court

cancel culture   sports    censorship    government  

secularism    marriage & family   abortion   crime   

constitution    big tech   parents & schools    the economy

war   foreign policy    liberalism   leadership   climate & energy

conservatism   gender & sexuality    racism    religious liberty

the pandemic      education    pornography    history    sports

Are you on top of all those topics? Just trying to help.   ðŸ˜‰ 

Monday, October 24, 2022

 God's word given to us today.

For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, 

the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men - 

the testimony given in its proper time.

I Timothy 5-6

Saturday, October 22, 2022

 Thirty Years Earlier  

     A preview of what would come. Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain. There he was transfigured. His face shone like the sun. His clothes became white as the light. Then Moses and Elijah appeared. And they heard a voice say, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him! They fell to the ground, terrified. 

Thirty Years Later   

     Only John was still alive, but now in exile. He heard a loud voice, Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches... "John turned and saw someone like the son of man."       

    His eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace. His voice was like the sound of rushing waters. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.  

     The first message was for the Ephesians, where Paul and Tychicus had ministered three decades earlier. Jesus complimented the believers for their hard work, perseverance, opposition to wickedness, and for testing those who claimed to be apostles. Yet I have this against you: You have forsaken your first love. If you do not repent, I will remove your lampstand from its place (Rev. 2:4-6).

From The Ultimate Victory by Dr. Horton: They gave service, but not themselves. They lacked self-giving love, as the Father gave his Son to suffer for our salvation. They were to "remember," to realize how far they had fallen. They were to "repent," to adopt an attitude of love. The lampstand represents the presence of Jesus in each of the seven churches. 

Suppose Jesus sent this warning to our church.  

Friday, October 21, 2022

 Third Morning  

     "Good morning, devoted men of Ephesus. Before we begin - later today I depart for Colosse with Paul's letter to the Colossians. I'll finishing reading your letter today. Make copies for other churches.

     "Now, you know how normal it is to follow the ways of Ephesus. God calls you to put off your old self. Every day we need to put on our new self, created to be like God in true righteousness. 

     "What is our 'new self?' Jesus said, If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love. He who loves me will be loved by my Father and I too will love him and make our home with him.

     "Be kind and compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God forgave you. As Paul wrote, no immoral, impure or greedy person has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

     "You were once in darkness - living as everyone does - but now you are light in the Lord. Be very careful how you live, because the days are evil. Love supersedes all else. 

     "Serve others wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men. When we share our faith together, the presence of the Holy Spirit is evident. There is no favoritism with God.

     "Our struggle is not against men, but against the rulers, the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Stand your ground with truth, righteousness, peace, faith and the Word of God.

     "Paul sent me for your encouragement. He wrote, Peace and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love."

Thirty years later >>>>>>>      

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Tychicus Opens the Letter  

     "Good morning again, brothers. On behalf of Paul, who loves you with the love of Christ. He is eager to know of your growth. You have shown me your faithfulness to the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. 

     "We Ephesians were all dead in our transgressions, following the ways of the world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air. But God, rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ. We don't deserve salvation. By grace, through faith, we receive this gift of God. 

     "I speak as if Paul himself was before you. With this gift of God, Jesus expects us to obey what he commands. We don't simply 'know' the truth; we obey. And if we obey, he gives us the Spirit of truth. Whoever has my commands - and obeys them - Jesus said, he is the one who loves me. 

     "Remember that we in Ephesus - I was one of you - were excluded and without hope, until Christ took your sins and mine on himself, died and rose again to new life. He is our peace. He destroyed the dividing wall - Jew and Gentile - reconciling 'all' men to God through the cross. 

     "Gentiles are heirs with believers in Israel, one body, sharing in the promise. In Christ and through faith, we approach God with confidence. Paul prays you will grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. It surpasses knowledge. We don't find love on tablets of stone. Most of you don't read. I will read Paul's letter to you. 

     "Our city - Empire famous. But no creation of man will endure. God is eternal, and he cares for you. 

     "Friends, the sun is up. Your work awaits. Let us gather again tomorrow morning and I will read his letter." 



Wednesday, October 19, 2022

First Morning 

     Tychicus (pronounced Tik uh kuhs) comes before saints of the Ephesian church. Morning sun about to rise, he wants to know how well these men have lived out their teaching. Paul wants them to continue growing.

     He will give them Paul's letter, when he is certain of their faith. Little time remains before they must begin their workday. 

     It is A.D. 62. Ephesians generally know about Jews and their traditions. Word has it there is unrest in the Empire's region of Judah. 

     Meanwhile, these Christians. They have no scrolls. No army. No wealth. No city of their own. No goddess.  

     Ephesians, for all their architecture, are like most people ... prone to self-interest, immorality, worship of idols and other deeds of darkness. Who knows what happens in the Temple of Artemis? 

     Christians are a strange minority, eyed with suspicion. Unwelcome.

     While Paul in his Roman prison continues to write, Tychicus greets the "flock," most of whom he knows from before. 

     He informs them about Paul's circumstance, and summarizes journeys being taken by co-workers Mark, Silas, Barnabas, Luke and Timothy. 

     Questions and answers rapidly go back and forth. Tychicus will open the letter tomorrow morning. 


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Supper Table 

     Tychicus places his bag and a satchel with shoulder strap in the guest room. He and his host reminisce over supper. 

Remember when you two came, and there were just 12 of us?

Yes, and Paul baptized you in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Miracles that followed put fear into both Jews and Gentiles. 

Remember when Demetrius started a riot against Paul?

And the amphitheater crowd went wild.

I contend Paul would have been slain had we not held him back.

Tychicus, is Paul living? He said we would never see him again.

Paul was arrested in Jerusalem. They would have killed him.

What did he do?

He appealed to Caesar. He is in Rome, "a prisoner of the Lord." 

     My friend, I'll tell you about his shipwreck and other hardships. But Paul would say, "We may be seated in heavenly places, but our faith may lead to trouble, prison, harm...even death. God gives us power to witness and power to endure." 

     I was in Rome attending to Paul's needs when he gave me his letter for you. Let's call the brothers together early tomorrow before they go to work. I have his letter in my satchel. 


Monday, October 17, 2022

 In Story Form

The scene: 

One of Seven Wonders in the Ancient World

     After his long journey, he disembarked on the shore. Having left Rome, did he cross the Adriatic to Macedonia, then to Athens, and across the Aegean Sea, east to Asia? Or did he sail along the Mediterranean route, south of civilization?

     In any case, his journey was far more than 800 miles as a crow would fly. All in Roman territory. There must have been some importance for his grueling trip. 

     He steps onto Harbor Street. The empire's awesome workmanship awaits. 

     There is an amphitheater with some 25,000 seats, largest in the world. He imagines it filled with worshipers. 

     Then, the Temple of Artemis, with more than 100 marble pillars, each 56 feet high. The city is known as the "Servant of the Goddess."

     He passes through the gate of Augustus, and by the Library of Celsus, known to hold thousands of scrolls. Under one of the aqueducts, he continues. Nearby...a complex of baths. 

     Next, the synagogue where Paul spoke for three months, though his listeners were not inclined to believe. Finally, with night coming on, this traveler arrives at his destination.  

"Tychicus! My friend! What joy to see you."

"Greetings, my fellow worker. Are you well?"

"Yes. Yes. But you. You look exhausted. Please come in."

"I am weary, true. But seeing you restores my spirit." 

"Where have you been? And what draws you back to Ephesus? 

Maybe you wish to be a tourist this visit." 

"Ah. I have been a tourist today. 

But no. It is you and the brothers. I must see you all."


Friday, October 14, 2022

                                  Our special: E_ _ _ _ _s in Story Form

                             Monday-Saturday, Oct. 17-22 

                                                      ~ ~ ~ 

     Meanwhile, there are three major features in 2 Thessalonians:

     1. Paul's letter includes one of the New Testament's most complete passages about unrestrained lawlessness (is the USA paying attention?) and deception at the end of history. 2. God's judgment during Christ's second coming is described in terms similar to the book of Revelation (chapters 1 and 2). 3. Paul uses terms for the antichrist not found elsewhere in the Bible. 

     So our commentary says.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

 $ Buying Victories $

     Today we're predicting which teams are likely to win championships in college football. But first, we applaud the success of free market capitalism.

     In the last 10-15 years head-coaches' salaries among teams in the "bowl subdivision" have exploded: from Nick Saban, $11.7 million per year, to Jim Harbaugh, $7 million. That's the top 12. Sadly, for Jim, his brother tops him at $9 million with the NFL Baltimore Colts.  

     The average for 131 coaches is a mere $1.75 million, far short of the NFL average, $6.6 million. But, if the head and his staff and recruits and fans and boosters and TV ratings go right, your team is in the top percent of incomes. There are 37 games (74 teams) on TV every Saturday, pulling in the sauce.

     A coach has a difficult job, marshalling all the components together like a fine-tuned vacuum cleaner. But, there's no guarantee. Three multi-millionaire coaches were fired in 2021, and three more this season already. Not that they were bad coaches.  

     Governors in 41 states have bowl-division teams. But they are elected public "servants." They have to find their riches elsewhere. 

     Root root root for your team. Their recruiters, boosters and TV revenue will make you happy most days.

Our Predictions for Conference Success

     The Ducks, Gophers, Tide, Volunteers, Deacons, Buckeyes and Aggies have no shot. Strongest teams will be the Wolverines, Tigers, Wildcats, Lions, Bears, Cougars and Panthers. We don't count out the Bulldogs and Huskies. 



Monday, October 10, 2022

 Dragonfly Gospel 

     Here's another one evolutionists can't explain.

     Dragonflies show up in spring and summer. But their lives are fleeting. 

     They begin life underwater as larvae, wingless, bug-like. Their diet is crustaceans, worms, snails, tadpoles and small fish. 

     After a year or two, a biological timer goes off. The "nymph" climbs out of the water and breathes air. 

     Then it attaches itself to a reed, splits its skin and unfolds a new thorax (chest) - twice the length of the old one. Next, the nymph pushes out a dragonfly head and dragonfly legs and two wings. 

     About 30 minutes later, it launches on its maiden flight. This entire process takes just three hours. 

     Unlike the butterfly, there is no pupal (inactive) stage. No extended, secret process. 

     How do evolutionists say this process evolved? What sequence of unintelligent, "beneficial" mutations can explain this? 

     Dragonflies mate and make more nymphs, which live underwater for years. Dragonflies live for weeks. Where's "survival of the fittest" in this picture? 

     Evolutionists have only long words to substitute for "we don't know." 

     But God knows. It is his handiwork.

     From article by Lynn Vincent, WORLD magazine



Sunday, October 9, 2022

                        To God be the glory!