Monday, December 30, 2019

Who Rules?      
   A century ago Joseph Pulitzer laughed at those who placed their hope in presidential elections. He contended that big media such as his New York World runs the show.

   Presidents have four-year terms, he said, but World "goes on year after year." 

   A century later, politicians seem to agree, or at least understand they must have friendlies in news rooms and other agencies that influence opinion. Ninety percent of newspapers are staffed by registered Democrats, and all but one TV network serves as cheerleaders. They get it.

   A Christian and/or conservative in a newsroom is likely a loner. I was a lone  conservative during my small-town newspaper gig of two-plus years. 

   Talk radio remains mostly conservative. 

   Honest, open-minded journalism would serve a country best, speaking truth to power regardless of party (the reason for freedom of the press). We need two parties to keep each other in check, but today there are more enemies than opponents.

   Marvin Olasky writes, "We still have another decade or two ... before cultural decay and debt-driven national bankruptcy lead more people to go from fierce words to sticks and stones."

   He says our biggest need is prayer. Our lesser task is to make journalism part of the solution. Outright lies must be condemned regardless.  

   His WORLD organization is training young journalists to that end. 

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