Thursday, December 19, 2019

Guilt by Accusation   

   Forget the labels, conservative and liberal.   

   We've learned the better truth. "Typical Americans" tend to be Republicans and "everyone else" gravitates to the Democrats. 

   Most Americans once plowed the ground. Now we are a nation with "whatever floats your boaters" and "depend on governmenters." And the everyone elsers think they are typical Americans. In a sense, maybe they are. 

   They account for the majority of registered voters. And everyone-else politicians want to treat illegal immigrants as typical Americans, so as to expand their political power. 

   Are you following this?

   What's a typical American supposed to think? For that matter, what's the definition of a typical American these days? 

   Wednesday night, the U.S. House everyone elsers voted to impeach the president with no sympathy from the typicals. In one of our daily devotionals for November 18: 
"Every major leader in Scripture suffered false accusations
from people seeking to discredit him. If a person can be
discredited by an accusation, whether true or false,
his integrity becomes suspect and his ministry 
(Leadership? Trust? Credibility?) can be destroyed."

   This is what the everyone elsers have been up to for three years. Also yesterday, Andy McCarthy said the Trump-Ukraine telephone call is a matter of interpretation, not indisputable fact. 

   So, now we're impeaching presidents on interpretation, even though nothing resembling a crime or affront to our Constitution actually happened. Everyone-else "news" sources applauded. 

   Just for fun, look up Ecclesiastes 10:2. 


PS. Ask Justice Neil Gorsuch what guilt by accusation feels like. Or, Jesus. 



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