Friday, December 13, 2019

The Scheme of Things   
   What if someone told you death is better than birth? Or, sorrow is better than laughter? 

   Or, there is a magnificent gift for you, but no way can you have it by self-effort or reasoning? But if you receive it, don't overdo it! 

   This someone is Solomon, who asked God for wisdom and got his wish.

   Acknowledging that he overdid it in later life, we can still learn from Solomon's Spirit-inspired writings in Proverbs chapters 1-4, 8-9, and elsewhere, and Ecclesiastes chapter 7.  

   How do we gain wisdom? Not from philosophy or other products of higher education. Nor is great wealth and status evidence of wisdom, as God defines it.

   Wisdom begins with "the fear of the Lord." (Psalm 111:10). If we receive it, we can never boast about it or claim it as our own accomplishment. 
Do not be wise in your own eyes. (Prov. 3:7). 

   God is and was wisdom before creation. See Tuesday's blog, "From Inside Out." 

   Sorrow and rebuke can lead us to repentance and the real issues of life. Human death is followed by eternal Life ... for the believer. 

   We can rejoice in prosperity and trust in adversity. Be content. (Php. 4:12). 

   The fruit of wisdom includes good character, influence, humility, righteousness (though no man is righteous), faith, obedience, prudence, understanding, worth, discretion, judgment, life and the favor of the Lord...and more.   


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