What is Truth?
...the Roman governor sniffed
Two laws are more critical than all laws passed by all governments over all the centuries. Read on...
Nature. The world and our inclusion in it. What about it? Nature can be beautiful, harmful, changeable and deceptive. What happened to the Garden of Eden?
We were conceived in a mother. Ideally, we were born with two parents. In some cases, we are adopted. If not, is there no teacher?
Whatever the circumstance of our birth, we are weakened by our sinful nature. No matter how good we or others think we are, our nature is Adam and Eve's nature. For simply biting into a fruit their Creator forbid, they were evicted from the awesome garden. They hadn't killed or robbed anyone. They believed in God. They disobeyed.
Animals, birds and creatures of the sea don't need to be taught. We do. Who will teach us?
God exists in his forever realm, called heaven, unseen. He created the world we do see and live in. So, how does Almighty God communicate with this inferior world, and how can we reply?
He provides the WAY! In scripture, he says he is Spirit. He gives each human - along with a soul, mind, emotion, etc. - a spirit. This is the necessary connection, if we choose to believe, trust and obey. And pray.
God calls our sinful nature "the law of sin and death." Our only escape is "the law of the Spirit." And what is that?
God himself in the person of Jesus was born to a virgin. In his early 30s he underwent severe testing for 40 days. He presented himself to the people of Israel. Performed miracles. He died a horrible death on a cross, suffering the law of sin and death in our place...and returned to life, appearing to some 500 people over another 40 days. We then acknowledge our guilt and allow him to be our Lord in "new life."
So, Governor Pilate, that's the Truth
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