Culture Infiltrates Churches
"In America today, even among evangelicals, God has been domesticated. He's made more sin friendly. Americans don't mind saying they believe in 'God' as long as they can choose the god they believe. This god turns out to be their own consciousness."
Erwin Lutzer, 83, former pastor 36 years of Moody Church in Chicago, in his latest book, The Eclipse of God, calls Christians to return to the God of the Bible, prayer and repentance. Next week on Views, a sure path to recovery.
Lutzer says, "this book is to help people understand where this eclipse of God, this darkness, came from, and why we must get back to the Biblical concept of God and not the gods of popular culture."
"I think we find ourselves in the presence of a god who exists for us, not God whom we need to fear. In the New Testament era, it's emphasis on the love of God, which needs to be preached."
"But where's the wrath of God? There are two doctrines that destroy the church: the goodness of man and the tolerance of a nonjudgmental god. The drift began in Europe during the Enlightenment. It gave people the confidence that reason alone is all we need."
"Love and truth are not enemies. Sometimes the most loving thing is to tell people some very hard things. There's a difference between music that has dignity and much of the modern music...trying to popularize the gospel through songs. People think they are Christians, but they are only cultural Christians."
"Cultural Christianity ultimately falls apart, unless we get back to a Biblical view of the gospel and God, that provides the basis for a common Christian culture."
"If you don't have truth, justice can become whatever people want it to be. Truth is based on the revelation of God. If we drift toward a nation without God, without heritage, we could easily move into a totalitarian society. There would be ways to force churches out of business. We certainly seem to be on the way."
The cure: Romans chapter 8, all next week
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