Friday, January 31, 2025

Glory Comes Later 

     Wednesday's instructions from Paul might puzzle you, because most of us don't hear much about the Holy Spirit. God's connection with the spirit of believers is the real deal. In chapter 14 Paul explains that the kingdom is not a matter of (our preferences) but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

     In Romans chapter 8. Jesus "intercedes" for us (connecting with our spirits). Awesome! Paul asks, Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Trouble? Hardship? Persecution? Famine? Danger? Sword?

     Paul, who endured all this himself, wrote, We are sheep to be slaughtered. (Psalm 44:22) 

     But: We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Neither death nor life nor angels nor demons nor the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God...that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

     Most Americans don't suffer what other believers might experience around this wicked world. That doesn't mean we are loved more. Our spirits and all that goes with us - mind, soul, etc. - are considered already alive in heaven forever more. 

Monday: President Trump in the Bible?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

It is Finished! 

     On Monday, we wrote from Romans chapter 8 the law of sin and death, and the law of the Spirit. While still alive on the cross, Jesus said, "It is finished." What was finished? His life? Yes, but he rose again and spent 40 days witnessing to his disciples, his half-brother, and many others.

     Ten days later, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and other God-fearing Jews in Jerusalem. Read Acts chapters 1 and 2 for the thrilling account. 

     The sacrifice of the Son of God himself sets us free from the law of sin and death...if...Jews and Gentiles alike, believe, confess and turn from our sinful ways, be they small or great.

     God sent the Holy Spirit - all over the world - to connect with our spirits, setting us on the narrow road of growth and obedience until he takes us home (to heaven). 

     Sounds easy enough. But God allows Satan (see Genesis chapter 3) to lie and deceive). While we seek freedom through the law of the Spirit of life, this war continues. We are on one side or the other. 

     John the Baptist (Jesus said, "he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he") baptized people in water, but baptism in the Spirit results in power to follow, trust, obey and witness. It is the Great Commission. 

     What to pray for? The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in accord with God's will. As Christ became an "heir of God," we become "co-heirs" with him. Amazing. We don't have to be beautiful or highly skilled or rich. In fact, the humbler we are, the more we will conform to his likeness.

     If God is for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31


      We are sheep to be slaughtered, yet more than conquerors.


Monday, January 27, 2025

What is Truth?  

...the Roman governor sniffed

     Two laws are more critical than all laws passed by all governments over all the centuries. Read on...

     Nature. The world and our inclusion in it. What about it? Nature can be beautiful, harmful, changeable and deceptive. What happened to the Garden of Eden?

     We were conceived in a mother. Ideally, we were born with two parents. In some cases, we are adopted. If not, is there no teacher?  

     Whatever the circumstance of our birth, we are weakened by our sinful nature. No matter how good we or others think we are, our nature is Adam and Eve's nature. For simply biting into a fruit their Creator forbid, they were evicted from the awesome garden. They hadn't killed or robbed anyone. They believed in God. They disobeyed. 

     Animals, birds and creatures of the sea don't need to be taught. We do. Who will teach us?  

     God exists in his forever realm, called heaven, unseen. He created the world we do see and live in. So, how does Almighty God communicate with this inferior world, and how can we reply? 

     He provides the WAY! In scripture, he says he is Spirit. He gives each human - along with a soul, mind, emotion, etc. - a spirit. This is the necessary connection, if we choose to believe, trust and obey. And pray.

     God calls our sinful nature "the law of sin and death." Our only escape is "the law of the Spirit." And what is that?

     God himself in the person of Jesus was born to a virgin. In his early 30s he underwent severe testing for 40 days. He presented himself to the people of Israel. Performed miracles. He died a horrible death on a cross, suffering the law of sin and death in our place...and returned to life, appearing to some 500 people over another 40 days. We then acknowledge our guilt and allow him to be our Lord in "new life."

So, Governor Pilate, that's the Truth

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Friday, January 24, 2025

Culture Infiltrates Churches

     "In America today, even among evangelicals, God has been domesticated. He's made more sin friendly. Americans don't mind saying they believe in 'God' as long as they can choose the god they believe. This god turns out to be their own consciousness."

Erwin Lutzer, 83, former pastor 36 years of Moody Church in Chicago, in his latest book, The Eclipse of God, calls Christians to return to the God of the Bible, prayer and repentance. Next week on Views, a sure path to recovery.

     Lutzer says, "this book is to help people understand where this eclipse of God, this darkness, came from, and why we must get back to the Biblical concept of God and not the gods of popular culture." 

     "I think we find ourselves in the presence of a god who exists for us, not God whom we need to fear. In the New Testament era, it's emphasis on the love of God, which needs to be preached." 

     "But where's the wrath of God? There are two doctrines that destroy the church: the goodness of man and the tolerance of a nonjudgmental god. The drift began in Europe during the Enlightenment. It gave people the confidence that reason alone is all we need."

     "Love and truth are not enemies. Sometimes the most loving thing is to tell people some very hard things. There's a difference between music that has dignity and much of the modern music...trying to popularize the gospel through songs. People think they are Christians, but they are only cultural Christians."  

     "Cultural Christianity ultimately falls apart, unless we get back to a Biblical view of the gospel and God, that provides the basis for a common Christian culture."   

     "If you don't have truth, justice can become whatever people want it to be. Truth is based on the revelation of God. If we drift toward a nation without God, without heritage, we could easily move into a totalitarian society. There would be ways to force churches out of business. We certainly seem to be on the way."

The cure: Romans chapter 8, all next week

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Patient Survives. Time for Healing

     To summarize Monday's impressive transfer of power, President Trump restored some of his own first-term executive actions. He issued directives regarding our borders, the federal workforce, energy and trade. 

     He declared our borders to be a "national emergency," and seeks cooperation from Canada and Mexico. 

     Trump pardoned more than 1500 January 6, 2021 prisoners. We hope it is the innocent. And he removed the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord. (We thought that had already been done.) 

     In his inaugural address, the president promised to "end unfair weaponization of the Justice Department." He paused a TikTok decision for 75 days, and he terminated the Diversity Equality Inclusion (DEI) agenda, which is Marxist based, in government. Many corporations have already ended DEI activity. Some climate programs also bit the dust. 

     Outgoing President Biden had a big day also. He preemptively pardoned a number of people who haven't been charged. True. > Anthony Fauci, Chairman Mark Milley, Biden's brother, sister-in-law, sister, and brother-in-law, minutes before his term ended at 12 Noon. Biden had already pardoned his son Hunter. 

     We've long known that the Bidens were milking $ millions from other nations, without delivering on promises. Yet, in 2020 we elected the chief "milker" to the presidency. 

     Pardons should be given only for convicted people. Otherwise, this undermines our legal system. If there is no consequence for criminal activity, what's to prevent the Biden family from continuing to milk? Thankfully, father Biden no longer has power to sell for profit. 

     Innocent people don't need pardons.  


Monday, January 20, 2025

This is the Day! 

     People usually recover from various troubles - sickness, financial loss, broken marriage, accidents, etc. 

     Today is the day the United States begins to recover from government abuse, corrupt and partisan prosecutors, politicians and judges. From Deep State lies and corruption. From war on our First Amendment and other civil rights. From those who call Right to Life groups "terrorists." From criminals and foreign agents the outgoing administration allowed to cross our borders. 

     Our incoming president and cabinet, and many other appointees will have much to clean up, from damage to education, to justice, to our military readiness. Some recent history can't be reversed, probably, but integrity, fair, responsible governance can flourish going forward. Foreign relations look promising. 

     Woke discrimination, abuse of power, mutilating surgeries for minors, transgender policies, DEI in the military...all this and more must end. 

     Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch hopes..."we enter a pro-transparency and anti-corruption era under the new administration." 

     We hope our leaders will be Americans first, Republicans and others second. Pray for those in authority, Paul wrote, keeping in mind that the Son of Man, Jesus, has ultimate authority. 

     By the way, President Trump did not ask for my advice. 😢



Friday, January 17, 2025

Monday       Wednesday     Friday       

Big Game, Bigger Inauguration

     So, after four-plus months of college football competition, the championship game is set, 7:30 Monday night, January 20. By that time, President Trump will have taken oath, many executive orders in the playbook, and various fans celebrating victory. It wouldn't amaze me if he sneaks out to attend the game in Atlanta, but we don't expect it.

     Political parties compete 12 months/year, and numerous Democrats won seats in Congress in November's election. Most of them will not consider Republicans as teammates.  

     The 77 million people who voted for Trump are looking for new rules to tackle wokeness, high inflation and border security. Christians among them want more constitutionalist referees on the team, fumble free religious liberty, and left wingers blocked from their infractions.  

     As coaches have duties throughout the year, voters also have work to do. Tony Perkins, of Family Research Council, says, "The government protects our freedom and our ability to do the work only the church can do. That is to change the hearts and minds of people through the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." 


     "Life is hard. But this is what I know. Whatever the circumstances, personally or politically or nationally, as we face the new year, our hope is not in Washington. Our hope is in God." - Anne Graham Lotz


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

 Monday       Wednesday       Friday

Christians - Pray for a President? 

     Really? Are Christians to rely on worldly institutions? Where does the Bible say, "form a political party to spread the gospel?" Many American Christians don't vote. But they pay taxes! 

     Meanwhile, government policies and reckless spending have insulted the founders who gave us the world's finest constitution. Another four years of current "leadership" could have meant a new (Roman) empire. 

     Franklin Graham, evangelist and missionary, founder of Samaritan's Purse, believes God has placed President Trump back in the Oval Office. He says, "The Lord's sovereign hand of mercy was on him during the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. I believe God spared his life."

     "There will continue to be enemies...around the world and here at home. That's why, more than ever, the president needs the prayers of God's people. The Bible says prayer is vital to the success of leadership...for kings and all who are in authority..." (I Timothy 2:1-3).   

     "Prayer should be a priority, not an afterthought," he says. "God esteems our prayers as crucial in our relationship with Him. Prayers are instrumental in the way He has chosen to govern the world."

     Graham adds, "Since the Bible says God's purposes will prevail, our leaders need to seek God's counsel for wise, lasting progress."

     The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. The counsel of the Lord stands forever. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord... (Psalm 33:10-12) The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes. (Proverbs 21:1)

     Graham urges us to "pray that President Trump will surround himself with men and women who will give him godly counsel." (Note: appointees Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Scott Turner, Doug Collins, Brooke Rollins, Kristi Noem and Pam Bondi are among the Christians.) 

     "No one person has enough wisdom to always make the right decisions. Remember above all that our hope is in the Lord, not men. Only God can save souls, and only God can bring revival to the nation...that brings stability, true peace and God's blessings." 




Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday       Wednesday       Friday

Share in his suffering, what lies ahead 

The Lord's prayer, Matt. 6:9-13

Moody Pastor Phillip Miller, January 12

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

     "Life is a series of tests. How do we overcome fiery trials? Take up your cross. Self-denial. Pray for deliverance."

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

     "Define the enemy in the test. Trouble may come before winning. The real danger is evil, our enemy."

     "Run to our Father; don't face it alone. We are tested by hard things, not to harm us but to transform us. He provides the way. Testing of our faith involves trust and dependance on eternal good. Jesus said, 'Take up your cross and follow me.'"

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. 

     "Led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted, Jesus prevailed over the devil. Later, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he said, 'Not my will...' Faced with trials and temptations, he takes us through the cross to glory. We follow him, running with endurance. Don't grow weary. Fix your eyes on the end." 

Wednesday: Pray for our president???

Friday, January 10, 2025

Monday       Wednesday       Friday

We will omit the above when our new schedule isn't new any longer. 


     Heard that word lately? Indescribable? Four fires are consuming homes, schools, churches and businesses in dry Los Angeles County, our most populated county. They had lowered their fire budget by $17 million. Winds up to 100 mph delayed water drops from aircraft. Fire fighters were mostly limited to ushering people to safety. Some fire hydrants - empty. The number of homeless homeowners, not counting family members, is comparable to attendance in one of the Big Ten's largest football stadiums.  

Trump already at work 

     He is concerned about the Panama (not the canal) ports on both ends, where the Chinese are in control. And he is making news, threats? about Greenland's security, where Russia may have interest. 

     McDonalds announced plans to end DEI practices. And Meta ends fact checking for Facebook and Instagram, replacing such with "community notes," similar to Elon Musk's media X. 

     Would Mark Zuckerberg have done this if Donald Trump wasn't the next president, nine days from now?

Need to Clean House

     "We are ready, willing and able to help (and sue) for government accountability as we continue our mission to uncover what the government is up to and enforce the rule of law for election integrity, immigration, and against woke discrimination and racism." 

         - Tom Fitton, Verdict (the Judicial Watch)

   Next blog: Monday



Wednesday, January 8, 2025

 Monday       Wednesday       Friday

   Every year, accomplished people come to life's end. Some were known. We list those we knew about. Those under age 86: 

Toby Keith, 62, country music. Alexei Navalny, 47, Russian accuser of Putin. Joe Lieberman, 82, Democrat senator, turned independent. O.J. Simpson, 76, football, actor, accused of murder. Bill Walton, 71, basketball star. Richard Simmons, 76, fitness instructor. Lou Dobbs, cable news. Pete Rose, baseball, a record 4,256 hits in 24 years. 

       How did I outlive a fitness instructor?  ...  Those my age, 86:

Jim Otto, NFL player. Never missed a game in 1960-1974 career. Jerry West, pro basketball. Bobby Allison won three Daytona 500s. 

      Those who lived beyond age 86: 

Bob Graham, 87, Democrat elected twice as Florida governor and three times to the U.S. Senate. Kris Kristofferson, 88, country music singer and songwriter. Chi-Chi Rodriguez, 88, winner of more than 20 golf tournaments, including three PGA events. Phil Donahue, 88, talk show host with nearly 9 million viewers. 

James Inhofe, 89, conservative politician in Oklahoma, the U.S. House and Senate from 1966-2023. Also 89, Tony Campolo, whose sermons we attended three times in the Pittsburgh area. He was a leftist, but we don't criticize his devotion to helping the poor on the East Coast. 

Parnelli Jones, 90, a racer who drove a rear engine car to victory in the 1963 Indianapolis 500. Charles Osgood, 91, radio broadcaster for 46 years and CBS News 1994-2016. Willie Mays, 93, 660 home runs, third all time. Mitzi Gaynor, 93, Hollywood Golden Age actress in South Pacific, and There's No Business Like Show Business. James Earl Jones, 93, actor, stardom as an admiral in The Hunt for Red October.

       And then there were two: 

Beverly Lahaye, 94, a pastor's wife who formed Concerned Women for America in response to feminist groups. Bob Newhart, 94, comedian and TV icon, master of deadpan delivery and one-sided telephone calls. If only he could come back and make us laugh again. 


Monday, January 6, 2025

 Monday       Wednesday       Friday 

Ready, set, go...

     into the new year, a new schedule for Views by the Sea, and renewed hope for America. God willing. 

     Where have we been, you ask? Dealing with matters of Mrs. Donut's close sister, who rose to heaven, Dec. 21. Did you ever find the remains unexpectantly, of someone you love dearly? 

     Next, she provided Christmas dinner for her sister's New York son and four family members who had come to spend Christmas. From Dec. 26 until Jan. 4 my St. Louis daughter and husband were here. They were a great help in several ways. 

     Today and tomorrow, we're scheduled to have both doors and windows on two sides replaced. Still no time for crying. 

14 Days and Counting 

     We don't plan to spend lots of time on politics. Then again, as the late observer said, "If the politics fail, nothing else matters."

Open borders, amnesty, welfare for illegals.

Repair economy, secure borders, make government efficient.

FBI classifying parents as domestic terrorists.

United effort, White House, Congress and Main Street. 

Unions and social justice radicals take over education.

Renew energy policy, help Israel, expel illegal thugs.

Inflation, gas, food and housing prices.

Seek world peace. Confirm pro-Constitution judges. 

Violence in neighborhoods by those with no fear of arrest.

Border security, lower taxes, help small businesses. 

         Jimmy Donut