Thursday, November 7, 2024

What is 'Toxic Empathy'?

     A few days ago, we published remarks by Lindsay Mast, host of a BlazeTV podcast, interviewed by WORLD magazine. We follow up today.

By the way, WORLD suffered greatly in the hurricane in North Carolina. 

Can you explain "toxic empathy"?

     "Using empathy to manipulate. Those in power and the media extort people to take a particular position, saying, "In order to be a compassionate and kind person, this is the stance you must take." Feeling someone else's pain must convince you to affirm their choices, their perspectives, and whatever policy they say will alleviate their pain. 

     "It is emotional manipulation, telling one side of the story, or misrepresenting an issue to make you believe the only righteous position is their position. 

Other examples 

     "Progressives will use Christian ideas like loving your neighbor, and mercy and justice to convince you that opening up the border, affirming someone's so-called gender identity or affirming the redefinition of the family are actual Biblical positions. Because this is what it means to love, they say. 

     "And they do this by falsely conflating empathy with love...two different things. You can feel how someone else feels, but love is inextricable with the truth, because love never rejoices in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth, as 1 Corinthians 13:6 tells us."  


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