Saturday, July 15, 2023

How Do We Know? 

     There are plenty of sins. little sins. medium sins. big sins

     Eve ate forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, and Adam followed likewise. Disobedience. Like it or not, we all inherit the problem. 

     God is willing to forgive. He presents himself in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - each with a role countering Lucifer in the battle for the hearts of human beings. 

     The Spirit is "contrary" to our sinful nature. What does that mean? Jesus the Son suffered horribly to take upon himself the penalty for all our sins, even little sins. Then he appeared alive, God in human form, scars and all. Hundreds witnessed the risen Christ.  

     Upon belief and confession, we silently receive the Spirit in our hearts. God made. God came. God suffered. God rules with grace and mercy for all who trust and obey. 

     He provides his Spirit to lead those who truly believe. He knows that without help we mortals are incapable of growing in his likeness. If we are led by the Spirit, we are no longer under "the law." Not that the law is cancelled ... not one comma or period or dash.

     How do we know we have the silent Spirit of life, our citizenship transferred to heaven? In Galatians 5:13-25 Paul gives us indicators, the "fruit of the Spirit." 

     Do we have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control? Given fruit. Not forbidden. 

     Jesus: The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. (John 6:63)     

     Coming soon: More about what counts. You may be surprised.

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