Monday, July 10, 2023

Deceptive Philosophers 

Part 2

     During the 1800s, an American newspaper published the writings of Karl Marx. In the 1930s, Hitler forced communists out of Germany. They relocated to America, where their successors have taken control of the Democratic Party.

     The USA is a magnet for normal people fleeing nations without life and liberty. But will they find it? The freedom so prized by those who sailed on the Mayflower is not on the agenda of hard leftists.

     Christians in America - except for our missionaries - have been so privileged we don't know what it is to "stand up for Jesus" in the face of opposition and threats. Our government has been agreeable over the decades not because most politicians are people of faith, but millions of voters have been. 

     That is changing. Some commentary: 

     The apostle Paul warned us to be on guard against all philosophies, religions and traditions that emphasize functioning independently of God and his written revelation. (Paul was referring to the Old Testament; his and other letters had not yet become "scripture.") 

     The great threat to Biblically based Christianity is "secular humanism." This is the underlying philosophy and "religion" in most secular education, government and society in general - throughout the world. It's amazing that true Christian faith - not what passed for truth in Rome over many centuries - survived this long. It's also amazing that Jewish faith survived for centuries without a base in Jerusalem. 

     If you meet God, ask him why he gives Satan such a long leash, from Adam to now, and beyond. American Christians (and Jews) will be tested, as God continues to seek people of hope and faith...those he calls my people who are called by my name

Next: The pursuit of happiness




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