Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Pitting One Tyrant Against Another     
    Suddenly, a great number of angels appeared and promised peace on earth.
But they didn't say when.

   The "little rocket man" just launched another ICBM, splashing it into Japanese waters. If this had been a horizontal trajectory, they say it could have reached anywhere in the U.S

   Chinese President Xi Jinping recently visited his North Korean neighbor, presumably at President Trump's request. Either Xi doesn't want to help, or he just needs to read "The Art of the Deal." 

   His China has underway the worst crackdown on human rights in two decades, says WORLD magazine. More than 1,400 political prisoners sit in Chinese prisons, including an American business woman being treated like an enemy of the state. 

   She is ethnically Chinese, so she is considered one of theirs, more than an American citizen. Good thing our three, shop-lifting basketball players aren't of Chinese origin.  

   Why the low-key international response to Chinese abuses? Oh, yeh ... their trade relationship with China.

   Bob Fu, of Texas-based China Aid, says the U.S. lost much of its leverage since giving China Permanent Normal Trade Status and allowing it to join the World Trade Organization. He calls China an "uncontrollable dragon...a country more and more resembling the police state in North Korea." 

   Sen. Marco Rubio: "We have learned that what (has been done) is to turn a poor totalitarian state into a rich totalitarian state. This is why it is so important that America remains engaged in the world and that human rights remain a critical component of our foreign policy."
~ ~ ~
   So, good luck Mr. President, being chummy with Xi and all. Now we know why the last three presidents handed you the ... "football." 


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