Saturday, November 11, 2017

Good Grief, Charlie Brown    

   Remember our blog about sorting out fact from fiction? How easy it is to be fooled.

   Someone wrote "Go home," followed by a racial slur, on message boards outside the dorm rooms of five black candidates for the Air Force Academy. The campus was distressed, supposedly.

   Their outraged superintendent made a speech about diversity and tolerance that more than a million people saw on the Internet. We believed a white, racist cadet did this.

   It occurred at a prep school for the AFA, not the real deal. After an investigation, we learn that one of the black candidates wrote this, even on his own message board - as a hoax. He is no longer enrolled. Or, was it a she? 

All About Streaks 
   We see how many months a singer has topped the charts, how many years a state has gone without a hurricane, and how many weeks a book has been a best-seller.

   Or, how many games in a row an athlete has scored, or played without error, or struck out 12 left-handed batters in August, during Tuesday away games, in stadiums with artificial turf, east of the Allegheny River...before 9 pm. After age 28. Married with children. And......runaway statistics! Boo!  

   Well, Jimmy Donut has some streaks of his own. It's been:
* two months since he left the stove burner on
* 10 weeks and three days since spilling coffee on the counter 
* 23 days since he tried using the TV remote to change a clock
* 12 days since he forgot to publish Views 

   You're laughing? Let him who never poured his cereal into a juice glass cast the first stone. 



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