Saturday, October 31, 2020

Acceptable Religion    Part 2

   In the "battle" against climate change, the UK thought of carbon-ration coupons. 

   This would be a second currency, wealth redistribution - buying carbon credits from those less well off. People who have lived in the Soviet Union or China recognize this as totalitarian trickery. 

   In China, food coupons once were used for buying essentials...redistribution while government controlled assets and freedom. A division of environmentalists have the same ideology. 

   The Carbon Sense Coalition of Australia proposes:

  • Ban open fires and pot bellied stoves 
  • Ban incandescent light bulbs
  • Ban bottled water
  • Ban private cars in some areas
  • Ban plasma TVs
  • Ban new airports
  • Ban extensions to existing airports
  • Ban "standby mode" on appliances
  • Ban coal fired power generation
  • Ban electric hot water systems
  • Ban vacationing by car
  • Ban three-day weekends
  • Tax babies
  • Tax big cars
  • Tax supermarket parking areas
  • Tax rubbish
  • Tax second homes
  • Tax second cars
  • Tax holiday plane flights
  • Tax electricity to subsidise solar power
  • Tax showrooms for big cars
  • Eco-tax cars entering cities
  • Require permits to drive beyond your city limits
  • Limit choices in appliances
  • Issue carbon credits to every person 
  • Dictate fuel efficiency standards
  • Find a way to reduce production of methane by Norway's moose
  • Remove white lines on roads to make motorists drive more carefully
   This requires growing the size and authority of government, which has a knack for self-preservation and expansion, requiring more funding, even in a democracy.

   We have an idea. Scrap central government altogether, destroy all evidence of modern life and return to the ways of Native Americans. Tribal wars would not include nukes, and pandemics would not discriminate.  


Friday, October 30, 2020

 The Acceptable Religion   

   One religion is growing throughout the world. Though it is intolerant, people are free to practice its tenets.

   Radical environmentalism calls for "salvation," while its promise is anti-life. Its goals are essentially socialists/communists.

   In this anti-humanity cult, the best way to save the environment for our children is not to have any. Nature has priority over the sacred position of humans.  

   This ideology is on par with the attack on capitalism, family and traditional gender roles. (Which U.S. political party promotes abortion?) 

   Communists have difficulty imposing on the Western world, which values individual rights, private ownership, rule of law and free markets. It takes the power of government to compel people to give up their assets, comfort and convenience. 

   Therefore, climate change must be fought by the U.N. or some other global authority. The public must be told to fear. A young congresswoman gives us 12 years to save the planet, or is it less? 

   Communist states reallocate wealth through revolution. Environmentalists use indirect strategies, forcing people to give up their freedom and property to prevent environmental tragedy. Sen. Bernie Sanders says, "Bread lines are not a bad thing." Of course, we won't find him standing in one.  

   Friends of the Earth say, "Carbon rationing has got to be imposed on people whether they like it or not. Democracy is a less important goal than is the protection of the planet..."  

Source: "How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World."

    How else to explain these movements except for Satan, behind it all?

   Tomorrow: 28 solutions from the Carbon Sense Coalition in Australia. 

   Have you voted yet? 



Thursday, October 29, 2020

Substance, Not Superficiality   

   He is in a class with the better...for his contribution to American well being. He is President Trump. Conrad Black of The Epoch Times describes him as the only wise choice. 

   Trump came under attack from Washington's bipartisan swamp before the "war" officially began. During 3-1/2 years of investigation, impeachment and constant heckling, outsider & businessman Trump: 

  • Put an end to illegal entry
  • Reduced unemployment
  • Lowered taxes for 83 percent of taxpayers and tax-paying corporations.
  • In percentage, income in the lower 5th rose faster than for the top 10 percent
  • Made trade deals, especially with China, without negative side effects 
  • Prevented $ trillions spent on energy boondoggles, while the petroleum industry was attacked for "environmental crimes." 
  • Shook up NATO; helped eliminate ISIS caliphate and terrorist leaders
  • Began restoring national defense
  • Improved nuclear non-proliferation with Iran and North Korea 
  • Overseeing the greatest Middle East peace process since 1978
  • Quickly responded to the pandemic; speeding vaccine development
  • Added three constitutionalists to the Supreme Court
  • Defended religious and other freedoms 
  • He is nominated for three Nobel prizes
   Jimmy says: While Democrats pushed aside radical Bernie Sanders for Joe Biden, Sanders and friends may be prime movers and shakers in a Biden administration. If Biden wins, the next "war" may occur inside the party this winter. Voters will have no more say. Biden's 47-year political history has been to ride the current wherever it goes, on his long quest to be the "Big Guy." 

   Absent Trump, the swamp of politicians, bureaucrats, high rollers and corporate heads who put cheap foreign labor ahead of American well being will have their way. Why did it take so long for me to learn that capitalists like capitalism for their benefit, not necessarily yours and mine? Socialism is even worse.  

        Jimmy, a deplorable chump  😉

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Get Moving, the Body Cries   

   With all our inventions, intentions and connections, we move about less than ever. In two generations, despite bicycles, treadmills and fitness centers, American physical activity has fallen more than 30 percent. In China, 50 percent in half that time.

   The cost is $117 billion in annual health care, according to a 2018 report in the AMA. Our bodies break down - lower bone density, stiffer joints and weaker muscles. 

   Organ function declines and our cells produce less energy. We are more prone to injury, exhaustion and chronic illness. 

   Old coach Vince Lombardi said in the 1960s: "Football is a game played by 22 men desperately in need of rest, watched by 50,000 spectators desperately in need of exercise." 

   Move more, research shows, and your body gets healthier. Exercise reduces stress, improves mood and gives us mental acuity. (So that's my problem!)

   Our longevity improves also. The Cleveland Clinic over 23 years found a correlation between higher physical activity and longer life. 

   We don't make time. Our ancestors lived and worked by physical activity, not usually in offices and factories. They had to stay active to survive.

   Today we enjoy transportation, sedentary jobs, and food and dry goods bought without physical effort. With all our conveniences and busyness, we still don't find time to exercise.   

   Our bodies become higher risk for cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, cognitive decline, cancer and early death. 

   A personal trainer says drop the all-or-nothing mentality and accept that a few moments devoted to movement can still have value.

 Epoch Times

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Our Perception of Reality is Skewed   

   This is humbling. A doctor of psychology reviewed a book by two other psychologists. 

   She says, "Many forces below our conscious awareness affect our perceptions, thoughts and decisions...and errors abound." (And what does this say about democratic elections?) 

   Judgments and decisions we make that seem true and universal are often our own unique experience of the world, she believes. 

1. Our energy and abilities impact our perspective.

2. Our body awareness affects our decisions.

3. Being hungry (or not) changes our choices.

4. Easy-to-read statements seem more true.

5. Our feelings affect our political views.

6. Feeling bad makes things seem harder.

7. Having other people around make things seem easier. 

8. Our political beliefs affect our math skills. 

   If this interests you, the book is Perception: How Our Bodies Shape Our Minds.



Monday, October 26, 2020

 The Specter of Communism

   Communism breeds war, famine, slaughter and tyranny. 

  These in themselves are terrifying enough, but the damage 

  dealt by communism goes far beyond this. 

  It has become increasingly clear to many that unlike 

  any other system in history, communism declares war on 

  humanity itself - including human values and human dignity. 

              Excerpt from The Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World

   This is the threat of radical leftists in the Democratic Party 


Sunday, October 25, 2020

 Tithing is Me

   The Lord made the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

   The Lord (owner) planted a garden for man (steward). Genesis 2:8

   The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a symbol of ownership. Gen 2:9, 15-17

   Obey and be blessed; disobey and be cursed/destroyed.

The temple:

   My body - and wealth - is the outer court of my temple.

   "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits..." Proverbs 3:9-10 

   My soul (mind, will, emotions) is the inner court.

   My spirit (where the Holy Spirit lives) is the most holy place

                          From a sermon by retired Pastor Tommy Reid, Buffalo, NY 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

 Fighting Slavery Today    

   While BLM and other enemies of the American way harp on slavery that officially ended 155 years ago, the Trump Administration continues to fight today's slavery - human trafficking. 

   In September, Attorney General William Barr and Ivanka Trump announced that more than $100 million will fund services and programs to combat trafficking. The money is marked for state, local and tribal jurisdictions, service providers and task forces across the country.

   Barr said that perpetrators will be held accountable and victims will have more places to turn for refuge and support.  

What next???

   COVID disinfectants may be hazardous to humans. The response may be worse for some people than the disease itself? 

   The EPA has a list of about 400 disinfectants proven effective against a human coronavirus. Health problems linked to chemical disinfectants are not new, but the fast pace of this year's procedures bring unknown consequences.

   Asthma and other respiratory conditions along with neurological and dermatological problems are a new concern. As for us, we're going to use disinfectants daily. 


Phantom Voters? 

   Some 353 of 3,141 counties in the U.S. total 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible residents, according to Judicial Watch. Eight states have at least twice as many on the roles as there are eligible voters: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont.

   These may be states lax in removing voters who have moved away or are deceased. But we wonder if the door to mischief is wide open.


Friday, October 23, 2020

 University U-Turn    

Part 2

   Walter Williams says that tyrants everywhere ... support free speech (propaganda) to reach their goals of command and control. "Once in power, as they are in most universities, free speech becomes a liability. It challenges their ideas and agenda and must be suppressed."  

   "Attacks on free speech to accommodate multiculturalism and diversity are really attacks on Western values," Williams claims. "The indispensable achievement of the West was the concept of individual rights, that individuals have inalienable rights that are not granted by government." 

   "Governments exist to protect these rights. It took until the 17th century for that idea to arise." And now, 21th century campus leftists are trying to suppress these inalienable rights." 

   Want an example? Try telling the BLM crowd that "all lives matter."


   You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you 

that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, 

that whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give you.

John 15:16

Thursday, October 22, 2020

University U-Turn   

Part 1 of 2

   Where have they gone, our proud universities that encouraged students to be inquisitive and think for themselves? 

   Part of the answer lies with leftist faculty's very human desire for honor, power, money and superiority (James, chapter 4). This weakness opens the way for dark spirits to inhabit their thoughts, all to bring down the world's chief sponsor of freedom.

   Walter Williams, professor of economics at George Mason Univ., writes that leftist faculty "teach immature young people nonsense that contradicts common sense and the principles of liberty." They attack free speech by prohibiting "hate speech" and "microaggressions." 

   He says freedom of ideas made the U.S. and other Western nations leaders "in every area of human endeavor. A monopoly of ideas is just as dangerous as a monopoly" of any other activity. 

   "The Philadelphia Statement," signed by more than 12,000 conservative-leaning professors and other leaders, states that colleges "impose speech regulations to make students 'safe,' not from harm but from challenges to campus orthodoxy." 

   They foster (group think) and train students to respond to challenges with a form of censorship. Williams: "A society that allows people to be shamed into self-censorship ... will not survive for long." 

   "A flourishing, open marketplace of ideas is the fairest and most effective way to separate falsehood from truth," he says. "Frederick Douglass (former slave) said freedom of speech is the 'great renovator of society and government.'" 

   (His statue recently was torn down.)

   Back in 1991, the Yale president warned: "The assumption seems to be that the purpose of education is to induce correct opinion rather than to search for wisdom and to liberate the mind." 

Tomorrow: Power cannot tolerate free speech


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The 'Church' Without Christ 

Part 2 of 2

   Radical Americans have the same spiritual anxieties, made all the more desperate by their lack of actual religion. They seek constant assurance that they hold the right attitudes and take the right positions. 

   They are, in essence, heirs of the Social Gospel movement, with all the old religion stripped out: the Church of Christ without Christ.

   I think about "white guilt" as the idea of original sin with God removed, cancel culture as Christian shunning with the church removed, and radical environmentalism as the Apocalypse with the Second Coming erased. 

   Think about the unending riots in Portland, the mad politics of autonomous zones in Seattle, the bullying of restaurant goers, the confrontations with passersby, and the rest. 

   The key is discerning the unfocused religiosity in it all. Antifa and Black Lives Matter are filled with spiritually anxious people, desperate to make their lives meaningful. Agitators traveling from protest to protest. The mad escalation is religious rebellion against the sinful world, following out its inescapable logic. 

   We are watching a vague and dangerous hunger for the world to be changed, with anarchist utopia imagined to lie just a little push ahead - needing just a little apocalyptic revolution and social reversal. Needing just a little blood. 

Professor, Dakota State Univ.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Is Portland Our Future?    

           Excerpts from an article by a Dakota State Univ. professor. Part 1 of 2 

   This is the belief that perfected human society is within sight and needs just one little further push. That what religions promise for the end time can be brought about in the meantime, with only a little effort - a little revolution and revaluation of values. A little spilled blood.  

   You find that perfected human society in the killing fields (where they executed more than a million Cambodians in the 1970s, in the firm belief they were bringing about a peaceable utopia).  

   Or, the Cultural Revolution (where Mao Zedong's "Red Guards" killed as many as 20 million Chinese in the late 1960s, in the name of true communism).  

   Violence in U.S. cities today comes with Democratic party figures who pay the  bail of radical protesters, all undeterred in liberal cities. Agitation makes Antifa and Black Lives Matter useful weapons for defeating Republicans - all in the mad belief that radicals can be dealt with easily, once the hated opponent has been eliminated. 

   In my book, "An Anxious Age," I argued that current generations of radically tinged Americans are "post-Protestants," children of people who once filled dying mainline churches. Certainly, they manifest some of the worst social norms: a conviction of their own moral rectitude and a feeling of superiority to the unenlightened. 

Tomorrow: Spiritual anxieties

Sunday, October 18, 2020

  All Hail the Power  

One morning we awoke early

and began imagining all the unAmerican

conditions we'll face if the deceived people

who play god take over our government.

They'll make changes that guarantee

their political power, permanently. 

Friday morning we awoke with the first

notes of a hymn repeating in our head.

Saturday morning, the same notes.

After some thought, we recalled the words,

and confirmed it in a book of hymns.

Fellow believers, whatever happens, 

All hail the power of Jesus' name...


Saturday, October 17, 2020

 While They Were Sleeping   

   While the Pentagon was sleeping, President Trump and Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, have advanced peace in the Middle East.

   Historical peace deals between Israel and two Arab nations seemed to arise out of nowhere, with more expected. A well kept secret. 

   And while Trump was taking credit for dismantling the ISIS califate, and still does, it was an Arab League Multinational Military Force that did the hard work, with American support and advisory roles. 

   More than 20 Arab and Islamic nations began training in 2016 an estimated 350,000 troops to function in sea, air and land operations. This training was in preparation for destroying ISIS, and continues providing security in the Persian Gulf. 

   We like national defense, of course, but sending Americans to the Middle East where they lose legs, arms and eyesight seems a waste, with little accomplished. Oh, well, it provides careers for people in the Pentagon and other establishment figures. 

   Iran may call the U.S. "the great satan," but it's their neighbors that now confront them. 

Killing Blue-Collar Jobs  

   Stephen Moore, economic journalist, writes of Joe Biden's plan to end fossil fuel use in 15 years. This is actually the plan of radical environmentalists, not Biden, (the face only) of the party. It would end fracking; if we stop using the gas there is no market, Moore says of the obvious. 

   Going to zero on all fossil fuels will destroy 5 to 10 million, high-paying blue-color jobs. 

   The president's policy of energy independence has succeeded. Moore sees a disconnect in Biden's plan to "bring jobs back" while decapitating our energy industry. Total renewable energy may come, but it's a long way off. 

   We'll still need fossil energy in 15 years. We could buy it from Russia and Saudi Arabia (oil) and China (coal). 😒



Friday, October 16, 2020

 The China Virus      

   Yesterday, we wrote of China's infiltration and of Americans who place personal  wealth above loyalty to country. Today, our conclusion.

   Hollywood and others in entertainment are influential. China already owns much of it, and approves which movies are made, in many cases. 

   The National Basketball Assn. has taken a knee for Beijing, James Gorrie writes, rather than stand up for persecuted millions. (More than half of the NBA's U.S. TV audience quit watching the games, now ended for the year.) 

   Our business community - technology and social media - are deeply penetrated. Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Google and many more cave before China by censoring criticism of the CCP.

   Gorrie asks, "How long we allow the CCP to dictate what is taught, to censor films and shape our culture, laws and politics, is a big part of the presidential election. Should the U.S. impose deeper restrictions on Chinese-owned businesses and operatives within our borders?"  

   "Should an executive order be issued? Should the U.S. disconnect from China as much and as fast as possible? Absolutely: The status quo poses an immediate and pervasive threat to America." 

   Alexander Hamilton had an elitist vision. Intellectual aristocracy should rule the nation. His friends thought the U.S. needed a king, and wrote to Prussia's Prince Henry asking if he wanted the job. (Hamilton's spirit lives on.) 

   If the swamp finally rids itself of nemesis President Trump, maybe they'll call Xi Jinping asking if he wants the job. After all, our air is much cleaner here. 



Thursday, October 15, 2020

Behold the China Virus        

   We don't mean the corona virus of 2020. 

   China has been infecting America for four decades. If they used bullets, it would be called a war, and many U.S. citizens would be guilty of treason. 

   James Gorrie, author of The China Crisis, provides the following:

   The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has penetrated our political, educational and cultural institutions. They meddle in U.S. elections, aided by politicians, career diplomats and government officials - allies on both side of the aisle. Today, they use academia, Hollywood and others to oppose President Trump. 

   Joe Biden and his family are one example. Hunter Biden's investment fund - while his father was vice president - received Chinese capital...some have estimated at $1 billion or more. What kind of leverage would that give them over a President Biden? 

   Gorrie wonders why politicians who receive large amounts from foreign adversaries aren't disqualified from holding office. Bill Clinton funded his 1996 campaign with donations from China. 

   Chinese Confucius Institutes expand influence on U.S. campuses, more adversarial than cultural. Chinese Students and Scholars Assn. (CSSA) promotes propaganda and political censorship against professors and speakers who don't follow the line.

   The "Thousand Talents" program funds U.S. politicians, government officials and professors in multiple disciplines. Corrie says the CCP "understands that to control a country, you need to control what its people think and believe. 

Continued tomorrow


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

 Now We Know    

   Joe Biden has grayish-blue eyes.    O /\ O  

  While debating President Trump, Biden had dark brown eyes.  O /\ O


   A friend sent us a clip from You Tube that suggests something was rotten in Cleveland that night. The item might be called "Biden cheating," or we can forward our email to you. 

   During the debate we wondered how a man with possible dementia spoke so well. I remember asking Mrs. Donut, "Where has this Joe Biden been all along?"  

   Now we know. 

   Close-up videos show the former vice president wearing "smart contact lenses," a wire protruding from inside his jacket, and another wire inside his cuff providing "power capability" to the lenses. 

   He read words on his contacts, which explains the blinking, how his eyes moved and when he seemed to stare blankly while Trump was speaking. 

   Google, Apple, Amazon, Johnson & Johnson and other companies are involved in this technology, which might be very helpful in some ways. Fooling American voters in a presidential debate is not one of those ways. 

   It is cheating, disgraceful and immoral. Mrs. Biden certainly knew. 

   Air Force pilots have a similar help, but we think their data might be on their visors, not contacts. 

   Trump and moderator Chris Wallace apparently were unaware, but not the lady who took a pad of some sort off Biden's podium before he even left the stage. 


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 Moved to Tears (almost) by Judge Barrett 

   We enjoyed the Supreme Court nominee's opening statement before the Senate judiciary committee. Then her former law school dean put the icing on the cake. Awesome.

   During hearings, Democratic senators will continue to rip into her nomination because she represents what they hate. Liberals have long used court opinions to make laws.  

   Winning court decisions is easier than lawmaking in a divided Congress, and when the president represents the other party.   

Joe Biden...We Could Cry  

   Politicians get away with exaggerating, fudging the facts, and outright lies. 

   But Joe Biden (and whoever gave him the line) hit rock bottom this week when he said Republicans are "trying to pack the court. It's unconstitutional," he blurted. 

   We've been disappointed many times, but we never heard such an obvious lie. 

   People have asked Biden if he intends to pack the court (to add progressive judges and outnumber constitutionalists.) He refuses to answer "until after the election," he says. Meaning - yes, he would pack the court. Senator Biden years ago called FDR's old packing attempt "boneheaded." Without thinking, he answered, "No, voters don't" (deserve to know what I'll do). 

   There are eight justices, plus one vacancy. Judge Barrett is nominated to be the ninth justice, eliminating ties. 

   This nomination and the senate's "advice and consent" is clearly constitutional. Dems may not like her respect for the constitution, but what Biden said is like arguing the world is flat. Many voters will believe him. Sad.  

Shed No Tears for Goliath 

   Friday night we witnessed maybe our favorite baseball game of all time. David - the Tampa Bay Rays - conquered Goliath - the New York Yankees - in the final minutes of their best-of-five series. 

   In August, Yankee reliever Arnoldis Chapman threw a fast pitch at the head of batter Mike Brosseau - and missed. Friday night in the 8th inning, score 1-1, on the 10th pitch, Brosseau homered off Chapman ... what became the winning run. 

   Goliath? The Yanks spend about four times as much money on players as the Rays can afford. Sweet! 



Monday, October 12, 2020


    is always just one generation away from extinction. - Ronald Reagan

   A former Venezuelan woman, Elizabeth Rogliani, says culture and politics are related. Resolutions to defund police are similar to what happened in Venezuela. Chevez replaced the existing police force and statues were toppled.

   Grassroots efforts can be coopted by a political party. Looking at where American culture is headed, she says, "What happens here...also impacts all of Western society, and not for the better."

   "There's always a way to destroy a country; it happens all over the world," she says. "People come to power and don't care about institutions, what is law, and they put in place others with similar notions."  

   "The topic of racism has become extreme, and the terms 'white supremacy' or 'white privilege' are frequent. Racial talk is only creating more bigotry," she said, "with people treated either as guilty or as victims. There's an attack on masculinity and femininity that's harmful as well."

   Rogliani hears protesters conflating these issues; the same people fighting racism with racism say they want to destroy the idea of the nuclear family. 

   "Culture for me is the main thing," she says. "Culture is even more important than politics, and ends up influencing politics." 


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Greetings              

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow

for each other and for everyone else,

just as ours does for you. 

May He strengthen your hearts so that 

you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God

and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. 

Latinos Know Best

   Our creeping threat of socialism and communism has many - not all - Cuban American voters concerned. Nearly 2.7 million live in the U.S., including those born in Cuba and those with Cuban ancestry. Three of four live in Florida.

   Venezuelans and Colombians in America also fear the direction leftists want to take, and they plan to vote for President Trump.

   For Cubans who fled Fidel Castro, this is personal. One man said, "I would be disrespectful to (my grandparents) if I didn't value the freedom we have in this country." 



Saturday, October 10, 2020

             A Pastor, on Economics   

*  You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity 

    by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

* What one person receives without working for, 

   another person must work for without receiving.

* The government cannot give to anybody anything 

   that the government does not first take from somebody else. 

* When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work 

   because the other half is going to take care of them, 

   and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work 

   because somebody else is going to get what they work for, 

   that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. 

* You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

               - the late Adrian Rogers 

Friday, October 9, 2020

 Stock Up!    

   One thing that really bothered my late father, after communists, was truck traffic on our highways. He said those shipments ought to go by rail. 

   Well, in those years, we had plenty of trains. Now, we have plenty of trucks.

   Our way of life depends on truck shipments. If you remember the trucker strike a few decades ago, after just three days food and dry-goods shelves were a bit bare. This year's initial virus scare - with toilet paper scarce - was just a hint.  

   Have you heard? We are having a national election. 

   People not pleased with the president - trying every trick to put the brakes on his administration - will go berserk if and when he is declared reelected. 

   We cheerfully recommend stocking up in October for a disruption that may happen in your area. Pretend hurricane season is upon us and plan for blackouts, food delivery interruptions, etc. Water. Food that doesn't need refrigerated or heated. Batteries. Toilet paper. Full gas tank. All those necessaries. 

   If you have extra, maybe your neighbor will need something in a crunch. 

   Hurricanes, as bad as they are, affect an area. Political radicals are everywhere.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

 It Only Matters

      Who Gets Credit   

   President Trump wants a payroll tax cut for 140 million American workers. Only those making less than $100,000 would benefit. So what if it's an election tactic?

   One would think Democrats (heroes of the little people) would love it.

   Nah. Joe Biden said Trump's idea would jeopardize Social Security. In 2011, the same Joe Biden said the same tax cut was "no threat to Social Security."  

   Yes, Dems favored a payroll tax cut when Obama was president and the economy was struggling as it is today. Nancy Pelosi praised it as "a victory for all Americans, for the security of our middle class, for the health of our seniors, and for economic growth and job creation." Wow! What changed? 

   Stephen Moore, economics journalist, notes the Dems were FOR the payroll tax due before they were against it.

   This year, Moore writes, "They want a new tax write-off that would help Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and other Democratic campaign contributors. This would reinstate the deduction of state and local taxes from federal income taxes, but without stimulating the economy."

   The Tax Policy Center:  More than half the benefits of the Democrat's $600 billion tax plan would go to the richest 1 percent. The average worker would get $10, once a year. Those benefiting most live mainly in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, Maryland, Oregon and Massachusetts...all blue states. 

   Moore adds, "Remember this the next time a liberal says Republicans only care about the rich."



Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Coming Your Way?    

   The final paragraph: The Democratic Party supports California-style energy policies, so beware the results of November's election.

   Now the lead: Net-zero carbon dioxide emissions, green energy mandates and fossil fuel restrictions in California result in energy shortages and blackouts across the state. Restrictions on fossil fuels, in favor of renewable power, is the curse. 

   A satire in a Sacramento paper began: "Gov. Newsom successfully tests power blackouts as state prepares for 2025." 

   Natural gas and nuclear power are verboten.

   Former Gov. Jerry Brown and Gov. Gavin Newsom blame the people, urging them to turn out the lights and turn up their thermostats. 

   Gov. Newsom finally admitted renewable power diktats are responsible for blackouts, according to a nonpartisan institute in Illinois. But, instead of providing backup and insurance sources for peak demand, the governor said, "We failed to predict and plan those shortages." 

   As they add more green energy to the grid, the gap between power demand and what is available continues to increase. The institute says California could have avoided these problems if bureaucrats had saved a modern, large coal-fueled power plant, and allowed natural gas plants to be built. 

   If radical environmentalists bring their shortages to Florida and Views By the Sea is blacked out, we're going to be really ticked off. 😎 Instead of California, Here We Come, we'll all be singing California's Coming Here. 



Monday, October 5, 2020

 Systematic Racism Debunked     

   You may remember our recent blog listing household incomes by identity. White people were below others on the list.

   In The Epoch Times, Stephen Moore presents it this way:

   From 1950 to 2000, black household income rose faster than white households, though still trailing. Black women benefited most of all. The race gap is much smaller. 

   BLM, most college professors and news media, he says, call President Trump racist ... CNN almost nightly. 

   From 2016 through 2019, black household incomes rose the most in their history ... their median household income - $45,438. Black poverty is the lowest ever, but still much higher than whites. 

   Top of the list is Asian-American households, $98,174. Moore asks, "Is it work ethic, occupations that pay better, tiger moms...?" 

   Hispanics average $56,000, far greater than they would see in Mexico, Cuba and other Latin nations. They are well represented among people keeping our hospitals and other healthcare steady. Again, is it work ethic?

   Moore says, "Maybe America is the least racist in the world, with more upward mobility than all others."  




Sunday, October 4, 2020

 Sunday Shortcuts     

   Prayers for President and Mrs. Trump ... others battling COVID-19 ... others with life threatening health problems ... those we know ... those we don't know ... in America ... around the world...           We're going to be busy.

   A writer offers three pieces of advice.

   First, read a variety of views, not just those that confirms what you've already decided. 

   Second, read what the Bible says about people confident they know exactly what is the best course. The nations rage and the peoples plot in vain... Psalm 2.

   Third, esteem leaders who know God's in charge. There is none worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth and sea obey by eternal laws.

   No explanation would be needed for there being nothing. There would be no one to raise the question. It should trouble atheists and evolutionists who still insist there is no God and no ultimate meaning. Why, sirs, is there anything at all? - Andree Seu Peterson. 

   Instead of us doing business with China and China become more free, what happened is China has bought our silence with their money. - a filmmaker on Hollywood's censoring so as not to offend the Communist government. 


Saturday, October 3, 2020

 Leaving the Past Behind      

   Boy, do we regret things we did - or didn't do - when we were young. Sound familiar?

   Dr. Monroe Hamm, a PH.D, attorney, Iraq veteran, writes that we often get depressed, comparing our life to how we think it should have been. But "it" doesn't exist except in our mind.  

   "It's a script that was never produced, but it should have been, but why should it have been? It doesn't matter," he says. "It's reality." 

   "Also, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others," Dr. Mann adds. "What if our (actual) life was meant to be? The only problem is how we interpret everything, and the longer we deny reality, the longer we feel sad." 

   He quotes Stephen Covey, in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, who "separate our circle of influence from our circle of concern. We have no control over our concerns, including our past." 

   "We do have control over our circle of influence. It is our present, and how we approach the future," he says.

   Dr. Mann thinks of "two situations that destroyed me for many years." He overcame those "failures" by acknowledging them, "while looking for the 5 percent improvement in my life now. It's incredible the effect an imperfect solution can have."

   He lives by "small but significant improvements ... the key to a happier life."

   Dr. Mann concludes: "As the saying goes, 'We make plans, and God laughs.' God is laughing because we are not as clear about our 'dreams' as we think we are. We are meant for so much more. So, stop moping and start micro-improving." 



Friday, October 2, 2020

Never Mind the Candidate;    

               Who Are His Friends?    

   It bothers me that some voters might choose a candidate they think has better character. Let's worry about which "characters" will enter the White House on his coattails. 

   Trevor Loudon is a New Zealand author and filmmaker. For years he researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their influence on mainstream politics. 

   He wrote, Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress. Loudon's newest book is White House Reds: Communists, Socialists & Security risks running for U.S. President in 2020. I've read neither book. 

   In The Epoch Times he wrote, "The rioters ... in Kenosha, Wisconsin included members of the same pro-China communist group that sparked the riots in Minneapolis." 

   "Maoists from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) can take most of the credit. Kenosha was torn apart, businesses and cars razed, multiple people arrested, and two people died - yet no one seems to call out the real culprits," he wrote.    

   Loudon adds, "FRSO has a strong presence in Chicago and Minneapolis, and expanded into smaller university towns, recruiting for FRSO's youth wing, New Students for a Democratic Society. In February 2017 FRSO declared, 'We need to stay in the streets the entire four years opposing Trump and making the country ungovernable.'" 

   "In November 2019 FRSO re-founded," he wrote, "an old Communist Party USA front, which established branches all over the country. The Minneapolis affiliate sparked the Minneapolis riots." 

Nothing to do with George Floyd 

   Loudon: "A Wisconsin FRSO Facebook page posted: 'The people and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.'" - Mao Zedong 

Is this worth consideration when we vote?


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Is the End Near?     

   What if Jesus returns before a big game...or a certain wedding...or a dream vacation...or an inheritance...or before you've read the last page of a mystery? 

   Paul, the last true apostle, and early NT believers expected Jesus would and could return in their lifetime. 

   We've been thinking...if a certain party gains full power in January, and its radical element demands its say, the U.S. government will become authoritarian. American influence for human rights in this dark world, however limited, will cease. 

   Faith will be persecuted. So, why would Jesus wait any longer? Just thinking.

   In the last words of Revelation, Jesus repeated to the apostle, Yes, I am coming soon. John responded, Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 

   It's been 2,000 years...a couple days to God. He is coming for the church, and we've been praying that He if He wishes. 

   Of course, we don't want people left behind. But we don't question his timing, do we? 

   We read in 1 Corinthians 15 that Christ could come at any time. Paul expected all believers to share that hope. Nothing has changed.

In a flash. In the twinkling of an eye. At the last trumpet.  
